Achieving Greater carry out audits in line with the Ofsted inspection framework, regulations and quality standards.

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    When Ofsted issues compliance notices to children’s homes at inspection, Achieving Greater can assist in the development of the action plan.

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    If you’re in the process of setting up a new children’s home then Achieving Greater can provide ongoing support and advice with the registration process for Ofsted and CQC.

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    Achieving Greater can provide you with an Independent Person to carry out monthly quality assurance visits and reports in line with Regulation 44.

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    Achieving Greater can provide bespoke staff training and supervision/mentoring for Registered Managers and Responsible Individuals.

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    Achieving Greater will check policies and procedures reflect regulations, standards, statutory and non-statutory guidance.

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    Achieving Greater can assist with the management of any change processes within your organisation.

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Social Care Consultancy for Children and Young People’s Residential Care Services

Angela Gunning provides advice and support to children and young people’s residential care providers in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Achieving Greater was founded in 2011. Based in East Sussex, Angela is able to travel to wherever suits the needs of your business.

Angela has over 20 years’ experience of working for and inspecting a variety of children’s care and education settings. Her working life as a teacher, youth worker, care worker and social care inspector has been driven by a passion to help give children and young people the best opportunities to reach their potential, and to achieve a fulfilling and successful life in childhood and into adulthood.

Services offered include:

  • Audits – Carry out a full audit in line with Regulations and Quality Standards and Ofsted inspection framework for Children’s Homes & Residential Special Schools. Read More
  • Registration – Offer advice and assistance on any aspect of registration with Ofsted, CQC and DfE. Read More
  • Policies and Procedures – Carry out policy review and development in line with Regulations, Quality Standards for Children’s Homes/Residential Special Schools. Read More

News and Information

Achieving Greater has made links with a wide range of organisations and groups who support and encourage improvement in residential care and outcomes for children and young people. In addition, Achieving Greater monitors, tracks and analyses changes in regulations and government policies and provides related summaries.


Achieving Greater was founded in 2011 by Angela Gunning, who brings 20 years’ experience of working for and inspecting a variety of children’s care and education settings. Angela is passionate about sharing her experience, knowledge and understanding of education, care work and social care regulation.

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